To reuse is to use something over and over again. Think beyond an item’s original purpose by reusing or repurposing what you already have in your home.
Think of it this way…If one million people switched to reusable bags, we’d eliminate the need for one billion plastic bags.
Changing your habits is key. Below we’ve provided some quick swaps where you can incorporate reuse into your daily activities:
- Water bottles
- Shopping Bags
- Lunch Boxes
- Rechargeable batteries
- Make double-sided copies
- Create scratch papers
- Use Freecycle, Craigslist and thrift stores to donate your old items and shop
Say NO to Styrofoam
- Bring your own coffee mug
- Bring your own reusable tableware
- Bring your own containers. When visiting stores that use styrofoam, let them know; “I love your product. I hate your packaging.”
Below are a few of our favorite Zero Waste Refill and Reuse Stores in San Diego County:
Have a resource that you’d like to share, get in touch with us at or view more resources on our Education Page.