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Zero Waste Youth San Diego

Young people gathered around a sign said Zero Waste Youth USA

About Organization: This is the San Diego (USA) Chapter of the international organization Zero Waste Youth. We are a group of students and young professionals aiming to develop and promote concepts for a zero waste future through waste reduction, reuse, and source separated recycling and composting to conserve our natural resources. This organization strives to empower youth through learning, envisioning, and action to bring the true zero waste concept to their schools and communities.


About Program: We are looking for a group of driven high school students in San Diego County interested in gaining professional experience in the environmental field. The objective of this group is to brainstorm, plan, and implement a zero waste themed convergence in April with support from organization Zero Waste USA. Within this group, there will be committees designated to different aspects of convergence organizing: Communications & Marketing, Finance & Fundraising, Outreach & Advocacy, and Programs & Logistics. Together, we will not only provide meaningful contributions to the public on environmental conservation, but also invaluable personal and professional growth opportunities. The time commitment for this program is approximately 2-5 hours per week from September – April. 


Benefits: Community Service Hours, Professional Development, Certificate of Completion, Resume-Boosting Experience




Fill out the form listed below to apply today. 

ZWY San Diego Application Link 

For more information, email and

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram as well @zerowasteyouthsandiego!