Are you handy around appliances, electronics, bicycles, and textiles? Do you like repairing things? Do you like helping friends, family, and the community? Consider volunteering with the SD Fixit Clinic. We aren't just looking for tinkerers. We are also looking for program supporters. Interested in sharing your talents like virtual and front desk support, photography,… Read More »Volunteer Open House at Fallbrook
We have been all too accustomed to the throwaway lifestyle. If something doesn’t work, throw it out and buy a new one. Because of this behavior, our landfills are filling at a rapid rate, and electronic waste has become one of the largest pollution generators. So why not learn how to fix it?! Bring your… Read More »SD Fixit Clinic at Bonita-Sunnyside
We've become too accustomed to the throw-away lifestyle. If something breaks, we toss it out and buy a new one. This behavior is filling our landfills at an alarming rate, and electronic waste is now one of the biggest sources of pollution. So why not learn how to fix things instead?! Bring your broken, non-working… Read More »SD Fixit Clinic in Spring Valley
Bring your broken, non-working items—electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, and more—for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We'll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you take apart and troubleshoot your item. Even if we can't fix it, you'll learn more about how it was made and how it works. This is a fun… Read More »SD Fixit Clinic at Lakeside